(idm) subliminals/ drugs and music

From Peter Becker
Sent Fri, Sep 24th 1999, 20:36

Not looking for a fight, Pete...seriously. Note my friendly tone... : )

The subliminal thought I just can't get with in the case of BoC.
I don't think that voices are subliminal as much as distorted, phased
and processed.  Subliminals are more likely to occur on TV commercials-
*buy this product* * drink Coca Cola* * support your armed forces*.
A good effects box will tweak voices but not necessarily make them subliminal.
Sure they're saying something but are they subliminal? Actually I wonder if
telling the American kids: " buy the import, buy the import, buy the import. "

As far as drugs and music: " listening to BoC on LSD is a
completely different experience. A true quote from a friend upon hearing
BoC for the first time while tripping, "This music, it's... it's so..."
and all I could respond was, "exactly" ".

This is very similar to the jazzbo listening to Charlie Parker in 1955
smoking reefer.
Or the hippie tripping to the Grateful Dead in 1968. Or the candy raver
tripping on 4 hits of
E at an Orbital show.  Or a speeder pulsing through a late night Jeff Mills
gig. Or a
junkie nodding to Stars of the Lid.

Drugs and music go back as far as when Ug and Og were dancing in circles
around the fire.

"Hey, Og....this campfire howl is so different after eating that mushy
cooked treebark"
" Yeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhh, Ug.....it so.......... different. "


np: Aube- Flare, with Earl Grey Tea

Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 14:07:10 CDT
From: Pete <xxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx>
Subject: (idm) BoC subliminal

I already posted a message similar to this one a few days ago but I tried
to get cute with the subject and I'm guessing most people deleted it
rather than read it. Besides the reasons that many people have already
mentioned for liking BoC, one of the main attractions for me is the
psychedelic effect and the subliminal messaging (yes, those chopped up
voices you hear are actually saying something) To me it's always exciting
when something new percolates up into my consciousness that I hadn't
heard on a previous listen. The odd thing about the messages is that it
seems as though many people, even when directed where to listen in the
song, still are unable to distinguish anything. That makes it all the
more entertaining for me. Secondly, I think there's a completely seperate
factor about BoC listening that many people aren't in touch with. I hate
to be that guy from Half Baked ("Have you ever seen Wizard of Oz... on
WEED?") but according to, um, a friend, listening to BoC on LSD is a
completely different experience. A true quote from a friend upon hearing
BoC for the first time while tripping, "This music, it's... it's so..."
and all I could respond was, "exactly" I understand completely the
sentiments of the guy willing to pay $250 for BoC stuffs he hasn't been
able to hear, becuase I went through a lot of trouble just to hear
Twoism, Hi Scores, and the Skampler. Though I wouldn't shell out that
much dough for even older stuff than Twoism, which IMO isn't nearly the
same caliber as their later stuff, I would pay ridiculous amounts of
money to see them live or for some of the videos they're rumored to have
made/be making. I'm a college student in Iowa and part of me seriously
considered attempting to get to that Warp show before I learned it was
sold out. As it is 5 of us are taking a week out of school and driving to
Cali. to see Autechre et al at Coachella.
Anyways, for those of you who know what I'm talking about in terms of the
subliminal side of BoC I'm curious as to whether other artists use
similar subliminal triggering techniques in their music.
