(idm) funkstorunging

From Philonious
Sent Fri, Jun 18th 1999, 05:44

just got back myself from funkstorung and left extremely happy.  waited on 
line an hour before the show, and was 2nd on line to get in, got up real 
close, it was fun seeing al the discs they were spinning, and deciding and 
switching (from gescom to gescom, etc. mask200) i even saw house of pain in 
their record bin.  

{funkstorung posters were given out.....some guy ripped mine out of my hand.
{im pissed and i really want one :~[  anyone got an extra i can maybe give em
{a few bux for?

same thing happened to me, the last one was slipped through my fingers, i'd 
love one and would gladly pay for it, or trade something, if anyone is 
interested.  I got to meet the taller of the duo, not sure which one, shook 
his hand, told him i enjoyed the show.  real nice guy, smiling and happy.  

on other notes, i missed jansky at the lucky kitchen show for being too 
young, but one of the guys at etherea told me it was unreal, if anyone has a 
review i'd love to hear about it.  

oh, and by the way, the skampler vol. 1 + 2 from myshopnow.com is that shitty 
ska comps, which i promptly mailed back to them, i suppose i'll see whether 
andrea parker dj kicks and bluff limbo find their ways to me.