(idm) Re: idm-digest V2 #549

From .daevid.
Sent Sat, Feb 27th 1999, 14:33

exactly.  they're called search engines, people.  use them.

"where can I find warp releases on line?"  oh for crissakes...

sorry for the bandwaste.

daevid j

>Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 16:43:27 -0800
>From: "Chris.Hilker" <xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>
>Subject: Re: (idm) technical ?
>>How does SCSI work?...as in the types of SCSI...
>10 seconds at Yahoo got me this URL: 
>My question is, what makes people think it's appropriate to post
>questions like this to the IDM list?
>- --
>Chris.Hilker (xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xxx)


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