Re: (idm) Trip Hop You Don't Stop

From Maer Ben-Yisrael
Sent Mon, Jul 19th 1999, 23:02

this is the dumbest thing I've ever read on the IDM list.

are you some sort of philistine?

> obviously you're missing my point.  i NEVER implied that white people can't
> listen to these genres.  i'm white, i still enjoy these genre. race is not
> an issue at all, it's CULTURE. my problem is when this music is
> specifically watered down by suburbanites for suburban consumption.  if
> you're going to partake in other cultures, please have respect for the
> culture.  When someone feels a need to steal this culture and water it down
> to make it more palatable for people of your own culture, that's sucks.  
> I still don't understand how you could have gotten the racial impression
> from my previous post.
> and just to clarify, i have no problem with, say, much of the Mo' Wax
> roster, Shadow, Vibert, Ninja Tuners, because these are people who are
> doing it out of respect for hip hop, the problem enlies in the 'scene' that
> was spawned, mainly from Mo' Wax and 'Endtroducing', where it was deemed
> profitable to water down hip hop into a pigeon hole.