RE: (idm) tom ze (formerly ios/rourke)

From John Bush
Sent Thu, May 27th 1999, 14:18

Well, that's a tough question...  If you're hardcore IDM and pretty much
resistant to World/Brazilian music, then most everything he's done is going
to sound a bit worldbeat-ish...  But the latest album, "Fabrication Defect"
is quite good in that vein; there are a lot of short, brilliant little hooks
using tropical guitars, voices, percussion and other things.  His lyrics are
really bizarre (most in Portuguese, but translated in the liners).  Most of
the experimentation he's known for doesn't sound *too* extreme though (esp.
compared to music on this list) but he's still a lot of fun.  You can
probably find some sound-clips on or somewhere similar.  There are
also two compilations (possibly out of print) on Luaka Bop of mid-'70s
material (?) -- they're not bad, but surprisingly aren't as good as his
newer records...

If you want some real far-out shit, shoot for Os Mutantes (good collection
just released on Luaka Bop/WB) and Gilberto Gil's third album "Cerebro
Eletrico."  Lots of fun with variable speed reel-to-reel tape, pitched-down
turntables, feedback, etc.  Must have been something in the water...
