(idm) ----------------

From matt
Sent Wed, Feb 4th 1998, 14:53


sorry about that..just found because of severe rain...everything's closing 
here...no work for the next two days

by the way...i have gotten a few private e-mails about my various random 
thoughts...if anyone would like to submit anything to the "warm random 
thoughts" please e-mail me privtely(or else everyone will see your idea)
i will credit you in them...as for why i put up these random 
thoughts...well, they're just my way of sharing ideas and screamings with 
you all....by the way..on the news this morning sonny bono's widow died in 
almost the same way he went

        matt(i wish the milkman would de-liver my milk..in the morning/ i 
wish the milkman would de-liver my milk..when i'm yawning/ i would like 
some milk from---i'm not gonna finish these lyrics)