Re: (idm) I'm impressed...

From Mxyzptlk
Sent Wed, Dec 23rd 1998, 05:43

An "amen" from this corner....with an added slant that I've noticed a
lot less of the pathetic elitism that used to reign unchecked here. I
get real tired of seeing people slammed for liking ____l or ______(fill
in the blanks) as if the gavel wielders had no musical roots and just
popped out of the head of Zeus or something with a handful of white
labels and exclusive rights to the future of good taste. It's refreshing
NOT to have to weed through a hundred emails poo-pooing somebody who
likes something that is not this weeks latest flavor. Not that I have
ANYTHING against this week's latest flavor, mind you. In fact, I'd love
to get my hands on the new Jake Mandell....

Lance C McGannon wrote:

> I have to say that i've been very impressed
> with the IDM list lately. It would appear
> from recent threads that the tastes of list-
> members are really expanding. Styles like
> techno, post-rock, experimental and hip hop
> are becoming "acceptable" to a list were
> Aphex Twin, Autechre, Orbital, Square-
> pusher, Orb, FSOL etc used to dominate.
> And that acceptance has translated into
> intelligent informative threads. I'm just
> delighted to see the tastes of the list
> maturing so nicely.
> Coming soon - my techno, post-rock,
> experimental, comps and idm tops of
> 98 lists...
> -->-Lance---
> p.o. box 450715
> westlake, ohio 44145
> united states


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State Governor~

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