Re: (idm) Jega slaggin' and some other stuff.....

From artist
Sent Wed, Mar 17th 1999, 07:10

On Tue, 16 Mar 1999 18:41:40 -0500, you wrote:

>I'm sure you realize this but I'll remind you anyway because, hey, we're=
>friends here :]-->  not every producer chooses to use 'production
>values'::::is v/vm's output shitty because it sounds murky and whacked =
>NO!  because that's what they want it to sound like... shift.  Fuck
>grooverider and his sony money--most 'top' djs wouldn't play the 'pusher=
>alone Jega.

you're right about tj because his stuff is way too spiky.  but the
bits on that album when jega is blatantly trying to make a genre
track, a 'cookie-cutter' tune as some people have called it, which i
have nothing against incidentally, to me fall flat on their face
because no decent dj would play them in a club - the production is so
poor you couldn't mix it with anything else.

>Realize that this is Jega's FIRST album, following two
> many artists out there produce a perfect album the first =

would you like that list in alphabetical or chronological order?
