(idm) Pi

From KaisrSolze
Sent Sun, Apr 5th 1998, 03:50

Hope this fixes the formatting problems.  Apologies to those on the diges=

Hey all.  I just went to see Pi at the New Directors/New Films series in =
NYC.=0AI went to see it because I'm a big PWEI fan, and i heard that Clin=
t Mansell=0Awas doing the music to the movie.  I highly recommend it, not=
 just for the=0Amusic (which was really great), but also for the movie, s=
ome twisted horror=0Acomedy cronenburg tetsuo-body-hammer kinda thing, sh=
ot for $20,000 in New=0AYork.  Basic plot summary: pill popping obsessive=
 genius discovers the=0Amathematical link that explains the stock market =
and everything else chaotic=0Ain nature.  Then, some crazy men in suits c=
hase him for financial reasons, and=0Asome Hasidic Jews chase him so that=
 they can unravel the numerology of the=0ATalmud.  The whole thing is rea=
lly trippy, and amazingly well-shot =97=97 really=0Ahighcontrast b+w.  If=
 you have any experience in NYC, like the XFiles, or if=0Ayou have any in=
terest in math/chaos theory at all, go see this movie.
=09But the music is the reason I went, and it was really cool.  I don't k=
now=0Awhether Mansell wrote any of it himself =97 there was one noisey ju=
ngly theme=0Asong thing which he might have composed, plus one minimal bl=
eepy track that=0Akept on recurring.  The rest of it was great too =97aut=
echre, banco de gaia,=0Aorbital...  Sound effects were done by the guy wh=
o runs Foetus, and apparently=0Ahe's good friends with Clint.  If anybody=
 has a tracklisting for the=0Asoundtrack, let me know, I forgot to write =
it down.
=09i know the movie is opening at the Angelika in NY in a few weeks, dunn=
o about=0Anationwide release or video plans.
