(idm) New Service - Make Your Own Compilation of Dance/Electronic Music

From Chris Fahey
Sent Wed, Jan 14th 1998, 17:37

> Phatnfresh sed:
> Just wanted to let you all know about a new service we recently


Chris sez:
    Hey, this looks pretty good for starters. IDM peeps should take a
look. They're actually starting to get some decent labels and bands to
participate and all songs are RA previewable. I'd be interested in other
people's opinions of this kind of service, particularly from artists and
labels. Do independent labels and small artists stand to lose or gain from

    Also, can anyone tell if their catalog holds anything which is out of
    Or anything which only exists on vinyl through regular retail

    Strangely, though, as I look through the lists I am torn. I see many
tracks in their catalog which I already own. Some of them come from LPs
with dozens of crappy songs and one or two gems. In these cases I would
almost rather just have it on a custom compilation cd instead of the whole
bad album. Yet the whole time I'm thinking about how cool owning real
albums is. I'm no collector/trainspotter, but even I have something of a
music ownership fetish, even if it is for cds/records with mostly crappy
music on them.

- Chris Fahey
np: approaching menace