(idm) only stupid people call it dumb; intelligent people call it stupid

From Alex Reynolds
Sent Thu, Sep 23rd 1999, 04:33

"There had better be some good make-out tracks on this thing," warns one
sex-crazed IDM listener.

London, UK (REUTERZ) -- September 22, 1999

Once again setting the latest trends in electronica that other labels only
dare to imitate when they want to make some quick cash, a rejuvenated Warp
Records has released the fourth installment of the series that has
redefined the genre historically known as IDM, or Intelligent Dance Music.

"We call it Stupid Dance Music, or SDM for short," says Dr. Greg Eden, once
the proud CEO of the Warp Fear, Tyranny and Records LTD empire but now
demoted to managing the label's Research and Development team after a
sexual harassment case was brought against him by a group of Welsh sheep
farmers (which was later settled out of court).

"I first thought of this genre three years ago, as I was driven to the
health spa for my daily colonic," explains Eden. "Good thing I had that CD
player installed in the trunk of the Rolls Royce the week before. I said to
Jeeves, my butler, 'Hey Jeeves, wots that on the radio,' and he says,
'That`s `Propellerheads,` m`lud.'

"Damn, those two sharp-dressed guys sure can rap like nobody's business. I
really liked the part where the MC 'got stupid on the microphone.' Then I
started thinking about our Mensa demographic on the IDM list and the idea
hit me like a handful of percocet."

Eden skipped the anal probe and quickly secured the help of various Disney
cryo-engineers in thawing out Geddy Lee, the frontman for the Canadian
progressive rock group "Rush", who was put in cold storage some years ago
for the purpose of future anthropological research into the appeal of
pseudo-intellectual music.

Several months later, Warp boldly released the groundbreaking 'Artificial
Stupidity' to a skeptical audience. Featured tracks from Plone vs. Eminem
and duets with Britney Spears and Jimi Tenor on the kazoo were either so
incomprehensibly abstract or so mind-numbingly simple that Rolling Stone
dared to call it "the new wave electronica" on one issue cover.

The first release quickly sold out and has become a highly sought-after
prize by rabid listeners, who perhaps have more dollars than sense. The
second and third releases sold out almost as fast.

"It's nice that we're seeing music being made for the retards," said
journalist Simon Reynolds. "Some of these musicians were getting too clever
and/or wealthy for their own good. I mean, how much white noise do you have
to buy before it dawns on you that you're being ripped off? At least now
you can enjoy throwing your money away on this shite."

Others thought AS was a brilliant, postmodern counter-move by the ailing
record label. Famed NYC musician and philosopher Terre "How about them
Mets?" Thaemlitz comments:

"With the connotation of banal stupidity, this music inverts the
heterosexist, patriarchic, elitist framework of the capitalist State as
modeled by the IDM community. Freed from the structure of culturally-warped
intelligence quotient factors, all electronic musicians can now creatively
express themselves to their listeners without implications of superiority.
I mean, when we get down to it, we're all just looking for soundtrack music
for hot monkey orgies, right?"

The release of the 'Artificial Stupidity' series has brought much attention
and riches to the Warp Records label after a couple of scary years where
some had feared it had lost its touch on the latest and greatest fads in
the world of electronic music. But the label is now stronger than ever and
looks forward to celebrating its 10th anniversary at the end of the year,
with even more stupid, worthless, and crappy music waiting in the future.

=A9 1999 Reuterz S.A. It's just satire, keep yer pants on.