(idm) Re: Laswell's _Oscillations Remixed_

From Mikael Weichbrodt
Sent Fri, Nov 7th 1997, 18:43

>interesting remixes by Atom Heart, Bisk, Vedic and DJ Grazhoppa...as well
>as some just plain excellent mixes by Soul Static Sound, Endemic Void,
>Scanner, Nico, and Ui.  Well worth checking out.  Some very non-standard
>stuff here, especially in the four mixes mentioned above.

>(btw--anyone have the original _Oscillations_?  How is it?)

>Jason J. Tar

Wow!!! I've been hoping that something like that would appear...  Could you
help me out and provide the catalogue numbers, etc? I SO want to get my
dirty hands on it!!

Yes, I have the original Oscillations. It's not bad. It's not very
adventurous though, but it's got a nice mood to it. Some of the tracks on
it gave me flashbacks to a double CD that I picked up at the Louisiana
Museum of Modern Art outside Copenhagen in '96, called "Get Lost". Does
anyone else have this?

Quick question: I've been looking for Aphex Twin's remix of David Bowie's
"Heroes", is there a  place on the web where I could download this from?

Over and out,
Micke Weichbrodt

"=FC=FC=FC=FCh y=FC=FC... ditty little boy... ditty little boy..."
- I'm all Flimmed out here....


"That's a mighty big word for a nine year old!"

                        - David Bowie
