Re: (idm) have i been misled??

From multsanta
Sent Tue, Jan 20th 1998, 23:53

"matt" <> writes:

>after about a month of searching another person on the 
>dirtylist(underworld) told me that this was among other things a list 
>aphex this true?(if not, i'll just shut up)

yes and no...
aphex twin does get discussed here (tho some would prefer he didn't!).
personally, i think it's a good thing  to stick around, as you'll
definetly discover some excellent new music in the same vein...

i DID run a list for the sole disscussion of afx via the cheap ass 'free'
coollist service, but they've since destroyed the list.  I'd be ultra
thankful if anyone could help out by hosting the list (my previous plea
didn't work, but it might be worth a try).

also, matt i'll keep your addy and contact you if i ever do get it up and
running again.

....musik aus strom;mu-ziq;re:views; asst. discographies;etc....