(idm) OM Showtimes

From the Quaternions
Sent Mon, Oct 12th 1998, 18:39

OK, I found the flyer for the show, and got a list of the times everybody goes on.  Also, if you've been frustratedby the whole cash-only situation, if you email or call they might do a creditcard order (my friend siad they did a few for out-of-towners)

Room 1
9-10  DJ Lamont (Dub, drum and bass)
10-11  Byzar live
11-12  DJ Singe (Soundlab)
12-1  Stock, Hausen, and Walkman
1-2  Autechre
2-3  DJ Wally (best NY jungle dj IMO.  Plays much fucked up shit, with a sense of humor)
3-4  Soundlab jam stylee outro

Room 2
9-10:30  DJ Duane (oldskool hiphop, etc)
10:30-11:30  Nitin Sawhney (hs anyone picked up Untochable Outcaste Beats?  I think she's a singer.  Talvin Singh style)
11:3--12:20  Jim oRourke
12:20-1  Arto Lindsay w/ full live band
1-2  Live Matrix remix (any clue who this is?  remixing Autechre live maybe?)
2-3 Plaid
3-4  Special live dub guest

www.othermusic.com  (if you haven't check out the site.  it looks great, most of the albums are loaded.  descriptions will go up later)
