Re: (idm) 24bit 96kHz format

From Marc 3 Poirier
Sent Tue, Feb 16th 1999, 20:37

> I can't believe how spoiled people are by CD Audio that they feel like
> they need 24bit, 96khz audio.  I was 25 before I bought my first CD
> player and CDs. Some of the people on this mailing list were born after
> the introduction of the CD!
> Sure, it's nice to have that headroom both in frequency and dynamics, but 
> that's a technical thing having to do with music production, not with 
> listening pleasure.

   I like all of the music that I like, but sometimes the high frequencies
on certain CDs hurt my ears.  It certainly depends a lot on the CD player
as well (with the digital to analogue converters in it), & since I got this
splendid new CD player about a year ago, I don't have the problem as often
any more, but I still do with some CDs.  & they hurt in this way unique to
inadequate digital audio, something that never happens with good quality
all-analogue recordings.  I would like to see a higher standard sampling
rate for digital audio, & bit rate, too.  That's all, bye.

Marc Poirier