Re: (idm) Gerhard Potuznik

From solenoid
Sent Wed, May 19th 1999, 19:59

On Wed, 19 May 1999, Lance @ Inaudible wrote:

> At 05:24 PM 5/19/99 +0200, you wrote:
> >
> >WHY oh why do people have to hide behind so many different 
> >monikers and aliases?  This criticism has often been levelled 
> >against >our< kind of music - the facelessness of the people 
> >behind it, but they obviously want it this way.  (Check the MASK 
> >releases..., Gescom etc).  How to confound the trainspotter.
> >
> A few reasons for different monikers/aliases:
> - different guises for different styles of music produced....
> - sometimes certain monikers/aliases are signed exclusively 
>      to certain labels. so other monikers/aliases are necessary
>      to release music on other labels...
> - sometimes other monikers/aliases are used for 
>      projects sed artists does with another artist (i.e.
>      collaborative projects)...

- sometimes the artist just wants to regain some anonymity
- artists might get sick of their old names, esp if they use them a long 
- artists might find the name resembles something unintended (witness ICU
  becoming IQU) later on
- artist might find another recording project using the same name or 
  copyright issue (chameleons vs chameleons uk, or Panasonic)
