Re: (idm) RedCell & Cmetric

From Irene McC
Sent Wed, Jun 16th 1999, 18:00

Re: (idm) RedCell & Cmetric:

> > Yes there was a Redcell/Stasis split cd that
> > came out on the B12 label. That cd culled
> > tracks from 4 or 5 of the B12 label 12"s.

Could somebody (hello human robots, you know who you are!) 
please confirm what release the following tracks are from?!  Is this 
the one you are referring to above?

1.  Wastelands (Cmetric CEKTION)
2.  Interim
3.  One thing in mind
4.  Soundtrack of Fear
5.  Outerim
6.  Solar Winds

7.  Point of no return
8.  Funky Purple Hotpants (FTPD)
9.  I think it's in here
10. Question for Vanmannan
11.  VCF
12.  Funky Purple Hotpants
13.  Paul's Outerlude

Thank you for any information (release year appreciated).

np : Interim (gorgeous!)