(idm) people like frank (trainspot alert!)

From Jon Logan
Sent Thu, Jun 18th 1998, 18:50

        Track 8 on Amon tobin's new one, Permutation, is called 'People
Like Frank'.  that's a tiny little reference to Blue Velvet, where Kyle
Maclachlan is bemoaning the existence of the mean and nasty Frank, played
by Dennis Hopper.  Kyle says, 'why are there people like Frank?', to Laura
Dern, and then the music swells and they start making out.

        Where does the 'like regular chickens' sample come from?

Jonathan Logan                      Work: 415 543-2800
UI Droog                        Home: 415 487-0424
CriticalPath, Inc.                    Mobile: 415 902-8079