(idm) To SKAM or not to SKAM...

From Jim Bernard
Sent Tue, Jan 5th 1999, 17:05

> Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 15:07:48 -0500
> From: "Zenon M. Feszczak" <xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xxx>
> Subject: Re: (idm) some funny shizit

> No one who bought a TR-808 is in any position to criticize others for
> spending too much money on "rare" items.

> Well, maybe he got a steal of a deal on said 808.

Yup, I did. Made Wax trax records pay for the fucker too! (ha ha ha).
And I must say that even though SOME of the SKAM releases that are so dearly
loved on this list are good (most are just loopy IDM fodder with no
soul...sorry I've heard them all). There is nothing like the sound of a 32nd
note funky 808 pattern distorting some good mic preamps, run through an
MS-20 filter and swept heavily. Add a tasty little melody from the
SH-101.... maybe a little string pad from the Matrix 6R... edit the whole
performance in Peak using SFX machine and Hyperprism.. burn it to CDR....
mmmmm mmmmm  good. 

And as far as my criticizing anyone for spending too much money on "rare"
records... Go ahead and spend your money on those rare vinyl items... It
doesn't matter to me. I would rather spend my limited funds on equipment
that will enable me to compose music for many years as opposed to pieces of
vinyl containing somebody else's music that will sound like shit after many
plays(which you can get for free as MP3 files if you know the right people).

James Bernard <-- unapologetic 808 owner