(idm) Re: idm-digest V2 #500

From Piotr Dubiel
Sent Thu, Jan 28th 1999, 22:31

>From: "mr. selfish" <xxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx>

>>what kind of insane sums would
>>something like Ae's _Cavity Job_ go for?

>sheeiot.  i'll give you at least five bucks for it.  stupid is as stupid
>happens to be.  

Umm, yeah, whatever. Did I at any point say or even directly imply that I
had one? NO. I was merely curious if people were paying insane amounts of
money for it or not. I did get some _constructive_ answers, thank you very
much. And I now know roughly how much it sells for, and it's more than I'd
be willing to pay for a rather lousy 12" anyway. Though I was surprised
that it was a lot lower than I would expect something like that to be(it is
after all the first Autechre slab, and Ae/Gescom products seems to inspire
somewhat fanatical bidding practices). About half of Mask 2 is utter
garbage IMHO, and people are paying ridiculous sums for it, so there...

I'll give you at least $6.50 for your Lego Feet. :)

[ Piotr F. Dubiel - xxxx@xxxxx.xx - http://www.magma.ca/~grom ]
[       There is no sin except stupidity. -Oscar Wilde        ]