Re: (idm) David Morley

From Jeff Birgbauer
Sent Thu, Oct 23rd 1997, 04:17

tom allain wrote:
>i've been wondering myself. very recently, i did find
>a David Morley release on R&S "Tilt" RS 97119.
>don't know if it's brand new.. but it is listed under new releases on the
>r&s site.
 i just noticed that there's a new US comp on an Island Sub-label, i 
forget its name at the moment, but it's the second one in  the series. 
Anyways it has (2) David Morley tracks on it! I'm not sure if they're 
unreleased or what. Maybe they're from his Aquarium full length that is 
way over due.

As far Andrea Parker, haven't heard. the debut is long over due.


ps. The Unoffical Andrea Parker Website coming back very soon (A special 
thanks to Aaron  S. Gregory). I will keep you posted.