Re: (idm) Stockhausen.

From R. Lim
Sent Mon, Jul 19th 1999, 15:31

On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, Jason J. Tar wrote:

> Ah, Mr. Jeff has yet to see the prices from Mr Hausen direct.  :)  Single
> CDs go for $40 or so, though they are supposedly lavished with pages upon
> pages of liner notes.  Nice packaging, but too much for the common man to
> afford unfortunately.  The Hymnen he recommends goes for over $100.  :(

Average price is $30-$40 per CD (depending on how much liner notes, etc).
I don't think there are any major works that aren't represented in this
series (re: Peter's comment about upcoming Stocky re's).  Plus nobody has
bothered mentioning that this $120 Hymnen set is actually four (4) CDs,
with two (2) performances (one purely electronic, one electronics with
live instruments), one of which doesn't exist on vinyl AFAIK.

However, since multiple intimations of this set's excessive cost have come
up, I have a cost-cutting technique I'll recommend:

1) Come into the possession of one of the MASKs, or first 8 Skams
or whatever
2) Auction it off on E-Bay for $250.
3) Buy a copy of Hymnen on vinyl AND CD with the proceeds.

There, that wasn't so hard, was it?

> Now...Did Stock, Hausen & Walkman name themselves after Stockhuasen or
> after Stock, Aitken & Waterman???

Well, it beats Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman and Howe (or the Dead Milkmen's
variation thereof).


ps- it's Gyorgi Ligeti and he went on a monstrous home run streak
beginning in the last couple years of the 50s and continuing for at least
a decade- see documentation/reissues on Wergo for the incontravertible