(idm) vvm q&a

From s.f.w.d.
Sent Wed, Jan 21st 1998, 22:16

i finally, after nearly a month, got the vvm q&a online...

read all about naughty choir boys, dead flys, how to get from 
vvm to skam, why prince charles is responsible for the lack of vvmt3 
in your household, a bit about the mild man and a bit too much about 
meat and cutlery... 

it'll leave you much more confused about vvm than you ever thought 
you'd be or it'll clear everything up once and for all...

there's also a short 2nd q&a on loan from very cool listmember Mr 
Gunter (who possibly didn't get my last mail???)

more vvm textural abuse on the way, still attempting to find bits of 
my harddrive i've yet to recover... the only realaudio thats in 
working order presently is the vvmt1... gots to get an ok from the 
vvm folks before more appears... anyways, have fun if thats your 
thing... send vvm text my way if you feel compelled to do so and i'll 
add it to the text section...

xxxx@xxxxx.xxx /// looking for reason
blackdog, vvm, whitezone-l, slipdisc
C.Gosselin, PO Box 8264, Santa Rosa, CA 95407