(idm) Re: idm-digest V2 #522

From Piotr Dubiel
Sent Sat, Feb 13th 1999, 19:09

Irene McC wrote:

>Ha!  So glad this happens the world over :-)  I've gotten to purloining 
>of crates down to a fine art - then leave them bobbing in the 
>swimming pool for about a week to get the worst of the grime off 
>with the help of chlorine and pool chemicals.

The proper 12" ones are all but gone around here, and the new metric ones
are about a cm too small for vinyl. Besides, when I tried to stack them so
that I could make a shelving unit (I have somewhere between 2000-3000
vinyls but I never managed to count) they would warp under the weight of
the records and start crushing the tops of the sleeves of the records below.

I went to Ikea and got some modular storage shelving and spaced the
vertical units about 15" apart to make nice subdivisions. Works very nicely.

>It struck me recently on visiting another music glutton friend how 
>our homes have become shrines dedicated to our music 

Since I have always either lived at home or with roommates, I can only say
that about my room. :)

>I'm still looking for a good (and portable) way to store CD's.  A 
>friend who DJ's off CD's has his packed in flight cases with built-in 
>divisions, but they're quite expensive {sigh}.  Currently all 500 of 
>mine are spread out over shelves, shoeboxes and Tupperwares.

I built myself a funky little shelf that holds about 640 CDs, inspired by a
tape shelf I saw in a pub I used to frequent in Montreal. It cost me about
$45 (Canadian, so that's like nothing in US dollars) for the wood and the
paint (it is of course black). The only problem is that it isn't portable.
Oh yeah, the other problem being that I have since outgrown it, and have
CDs stuck on top of it in piles, on the sections of it that jut out (it is
sort of a staggered shape:


...) and all over my bookcase, which also holds some of my vinyl. But I
frequently tell people that it's a pity I have to waste valuable record
space by keeping a bed in my room. :)


NP: Satyricon - The Dawn of a New Age (Apoptygma Berzerk Remix)

[ Piotr F. Dubiel - xxxx@xxxxx.xx - http://www.magma.ca/~grom ]
[       There is no sin except stupidity. -Oscar Wilde        ]