(idm) IDM Remix Chain...

From multsanta
Sent Wed, Jan 28th 1998, 22:59

i've decided to organize this thing...
six members so far (me and five others) and still no source track.
if anyone else is joining, please get back to me soon, as i'd like to get
the project underway.

for those who missed the original thread...
".szalemandre." <xxxxx@xxxxxxxx.xxx> writes:
>how about the musicians from the list try a project like this?  it's 
>awesome idea.  (just so i know what you're talking about) - rather 
>every artist writing remixes based on one original track, each artist 
>his source from the remixer before him, then passes _his_ new remix on 
>the next?  i love it!

and yeah, the idea was stolen from dot... but we're more "underground"


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