Re: (idm) Track names

From lwtcdi
Sent Sun, Dec 21st 1997, 23:22

>>>I'm currious what do you need track names for ?

>>Oh, just a little thing called 'being able to identify the tracks easily
>>and simply'. Nothing major. It kinda helps when you are communicating
>>about music, don't you think?  Or should all music come on vinyl disc on


>That's why I think categorising music into IDM, jungle, pop, triphop and
>whatever isn't such a bad thing.

Yeah, nothing wrong with it at all generally, as long as everyone knows
what you're talking about and the sillyness of the genres doesn't get
out of hand (Speed Garage indeed!). But even Speed Garage has it's
purpose as a label ie avoid! Anyone reckon Aphex will be jumping on the
Speed Garage bandwagon next year? Or is it just not cool enough (perhaps
he will then!).

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