(idm) Bisk (and some other stuff)

From Clay Pig
Sent Tue, Dec 30th 1997, 01:46

I just got a few things in the mail today -- Bisk Strange or funny haha?
being one of them.  All I can say is that this is really good stuff.  A
few listmembers have said that it was bizarre, and undescribable, but
good, and I agree with them completely.  It's kind of a Hip-hop drum 'n
bass noisy trip with a symphony of trancy carnival music.  Is the
Time<?> ep anything like this?  or anything else for that matter? 
Anyway, this is a top-of-the-line superb disc imo and I highly recommend
it for anyone looking for something a little different.

I also received the v/vm whine and missingtoe 7" and am utterly
dissapointed.  A few too-short tracks that are christmas music ..
nothing extrodinary.  I would say that the Professor Broxburn track is
the best though it doesn't sound like much more than a few
trigger-repeating samples.  i don't understand what all the hype was

while I'm writing this .. I also have a few 0161 questions ive been
meaning to post

Does anyone know where I can find more music by Mild Man Jan (noise with
a beat .. i love it) or The Renegades and Audiomontage?

A while ago I know someone was talking about a 'Two of 12"' by Gescom,
but it isn't in any discographies.  Was this a promo release with just
the one track or what?    While I'm on the topic of Gescom, on the
sonic-net chat with Ae, someone asked if Gescom was going to release a
full-length and the reply was that they already had, but they didn't
think many were printed.  What release were they talking about?

I'll stop my questions :)  Happy holidays everyone
~~Steve Collins~~

   "Sometimes, dreams are wiser
    than waking." -Black Elk
