(idm) Re: Add N to (Curve)

From Greg Earle
Sent Fri, Jun 5th 1998, 22:58

Sheila Santos wrote:
>> Twice in one year that I'll be going to a Curve show for the support act. 
> When is Curve touring?

Dunno the dates but they're at the Hollywood Athletic Club in LA on July 3rd.
Not sure why they're back so soon after last time (April, when I was in
Florida and had to miss 'em) but it's fine with me  :-)

> A friend had described Curve's new album as making lame attempts at cashing
> in on the pop drum and bass, electronica movements, [...]

What a load of rubbish.  They had FSOL, Drum Club and Aphex do remixes for
them 5 years ago.  Your friend needs a history lesson.

The first time I heard "Digeridoo" on Really Big Speakers was during the
pre-set wait at a Curve show in 1992 ... Alex (their tour guitarist) 
the between-acts tape and he was well into raving ...

Some of the new album I can do without (the title track especially) but there
are some quite nice beats and noises on many of the tracks ...

(There's a fast Curve Hotline server out there with most everything in MP3,
 including the Aphex "Falling Free" remix - not to mention their cover of
 "I Feel Love".  Listen and judge for yourself.)

        - Greg