Re: (idm) Heck-no to Techno

From Michael Upton
Sent Wed, May 12th 1999, 11:08

On Wed, 12 May 1999 03:01:17 Michael Upton wrote:

>Also, this following bit's from an interview at

>"The mainstream will never get a hold of this music, because it's above their heads in some way. It's only above their heads because they let it be above them. They try and relate it more to European music and don't realise that it comes from the street and has the same origins as hip-hop, soul, the blues and jazz."

Sorry, I didn't make it explicit that that's Carl Craig, not Alan Oldham. I could ramble for ages about how telling I think the quote is, but hopefully it speaks for itself and people can apply it to the context.


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