Re: (idm) software design/ aphex ect..

From eric hill
Sent Tue, Mar 9th 1999, 17:17

>>I was wandering if anyone could tell me some of the artists whom claim to be
>>writing software to aid them with there music.  I know aphex claims to, but
>>who else? Ae?

i try to pay attention to this kind of crossover, and to my knowledge many
artists are claiming to write software, but none are doing it. csound
doesn't qualify as "writing software," in case someone feels there are
exceptions :) even oval's s/w is written by a friend. p.s. i also know
about the demo scene and that there is probably some coder guy who also
makes musical bits, but these aren't significant to me.

>I don't know what happened to RDJ's efforts recently. He wasn't writing
>it himself though, he was getting a mate of his who was a computer
>programmer to write him a program which created music entirely on it's
>own, enabling him to, and I quote : "...spend more time shagging..." :)
>Obviously, everything he says in the press should be taken with a rather
>large skip of salt...

not before we regurgitate what we've heard to everyone within ear- and
eyeshot, apparently.
