RE: [AH] TR-808 tap button

From Peter Forrest
Sent Mon, Mar 19th 2018, 12:13

Zen and the Art of Drum Machine Maintenance .... nice use of lego!

-----Original Message-----
From: Florian Anwander [mailto:xxxxxxxxx@xxxx-xxxxxx.xx]=20
Sent: 19 March 2018 11:34
To: AH
Subject: Re: [AH] TR-808 tap button


Am 17.03.2018 um 18:45 schrieb Tom Butcher:
> Seems my 808=E2=80=99s tap button is not working anymore :/  Anyone =
have a source for these or advice to repair?

Michael Matlak (xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx) does it with the =
buttons of a CR-8000 like this:

He cuts away the bottom plate of the original Cherry momentary switch, =
and removes the original contact and contact feather.
The takes an ALPS 12x12 momentary switch, as you are using for the =
606/303 On the round cap of the ALPS switch he places a Lego 1x1 brick =
Now the original Cherry switch mechanism fits perfectly on this extended =
ALPS switch and the cap can be placed as again.

This should be applicable for the TR-808 switches too.

