(idm) Posts that never were, pt 2: Little Lord Faulty Tracklistings.

From lwtcdi
Sent Wed, Oct 22nd 1997, 02:01

Another post that didn't make it...

> Nice review,  but i think you have Come to daddy little lord falteroy and
> bucephalus bouncing ball mixed up.

Well, he says no, but I say someone has mixed them up. I reckon there is
a formatting mix up. I notice some other IDMers seemed to have different
ideas of what was each track. I own the 12" and the two B-Side tracks
are Come to daddy little lord falteroy and bucephalus bouncing ball. The
former has the bouncing ball/spinning coin noises and no tune to speak
of, while the latter has the silly 'tatty little boy' vocals etc which
would suggest Faulteroy. I thought this was Mr Twin acting the arse by
swapping them over, but apparantly not. Can anyone with the CD format
confirm this?

BTW, when Aphex did his jaunt around the UK earlier this year, was Come
To Daddy (Pappy Mix) the last track he played. My memory is bad and all
I remember was grungy guitar basslines. I went to the Leeds date, but
from what I can tell, the tracklisting was the same for the other dates
(probably cos it was all on DAT, or so preprogrammed it may as well have
been). I also recognise that 'Come On, Give Us A Snarerush' bit from
Mummy Mix too, although the Mummy Mix itself isn't as good as the live
thing as I remember it...


Have been playing, but have all run out while writing these posts:

Autechre - Garbage EP
(thanks to those who mentioned this the other day on this list - my
interest has been rekindled, and it's true, this release is excellent).
Gescom - Keynell EP
Gescom - 1st EP
Gescom - Sounds of Machines
Autechre - Anti EP

Bit of an Autechre dominated evening, all told...