(idm) you didn't even know i was gone....

From s.f.w.d.
Sent Sat, Jan 10th 1998, 19:21

sorry to everyone who mailed me over the last week or so... really 
screwed my computer setup and have been dealing with dos prompts 
(huh? whats that =) and reinstalling and such...

anyways, other stuff:

vvm sent me the responses to the q$a thing they did for my little vvm 
page... if you've not had interaction with these folks (or at least 
seen the mass mailing emails) you're *really* missing out... never 
before has more effort been put into an email... or maybe they just 
have *WAY* too much time on their hands... terribly amusing either 
way and even a bit informative... will try and get it online by the 
end of the weekend...

picked up a few things, amongst them Up Bustle and Out's one colour 
just reflects another... *amazing* stuff! know this is an older 
title, but for anyone who really digs 'world' sounds, they have it 
down here... 

if you made it this far and live in the Bay area and know anything 
about the invisble skratch picklz on the 17th (also appearing 
Grandmaster Flash =) i'd really appreciate it... lost a few of my 
mail folders and don't have the #s anymore...


blackdog, vvm, whitezone-l, slipdisc
C.Gosselin, PO Box 8264, Santa Rosa, CA 95407