(idm) Re: No U Turn

From Greg Earle
Sent Fri, Dec 26th 1997, 04:38

>>> Parting shot:
>>> No-U-Turn is "dark" music for people who have no idea what "dark" music
>>> actually sounds like.
> Well, I haven't heard all of it, but I've heard quite a bit (Torque + some
> random 12"s) and all of it's been pretty terrible.  The same style
> distorted, badly produced bass sound, the same 2-step badly produced

"Badly produced"!  Spare me ... Compared to, say Download, most everything
discussed on this list is "badly produced" ...

> However, it probably wouldn't bug me half as much if No-U-Turn didn't get
> all the credit for "dark drum and bass" while numerous people are out
> there producing stuff 10x as good (Panacea, Godflesh, PCM, Downpour,


love his stuff too, but let's get real here!  Go back a couple of days and read
my review of the Position Chrome 19 CD please!  Wherein a live jam between
Panacea and a few others on Chrome leaves the No-U-Turn samples in intact!

As for Downpour, well, I have the David Kristian/Downpour split CD on Dropbeat
and I'd file Downpour under "Art Wank Drum N' Bass", sorry dude but I'd rather
listen to "Torque" any day of the week.  So I have a soft spot for "badly
produced" Hoover bass.  Bite me.

> to name some), 10x as original/interesting, and no one listens, because of
> the hype (For the record, I regard "hype" as just as much an evil as MTV. 
>  The only difference is the audience - MTV gets "the masses" (who only
> exist in the minds of the "hip") while hype (The Wire, the IDM list, the
> Voice, Simon Reynolds, DJs, art students, etc) gets "the hip."  They're
> both right about 10% of the time.  Maybe MTV is a little better.
>    Both ignore anything that doesn't fit their image or their
> marketing agenda until 5 years later when it's been dumbed down or
> "artified," [...]

Wait, you listed "The IDM list" in the hype/"the hip" list?  So you're telling
me that, as a member of the IDM list, I'm ignoring anything that doesn't fit
my image or my marketing agenda?  I OWN PANACEA, NO-U-TURN *AND* DOWNPOUR CD'S
HELLLLLLO.  (Disclaimer: I read "The Wire" and the IDM list.  I could give two
shits about Village Voice, Simon Reynolds, what DJs like or "art students".)

Besides, someone from Princeton talking about pretentiousness?  It is to laugh.

np: Luke Slater "Freek Funk"

Bah humbug,

        - Greg