(idm) jowonio productions

From s.f.w.d.
Sent Sat, Oct 10th 1998, 23:54

anyone pick up the learning skin by jowonio productions?

been a fan of john s. work for a bit and just heard a few tracks
new to me and john had said that one was a bit more representative
of the learning skin (and future releases) than compression.
any reviews greatly appreciated... btw - if you haven't heard
jowonio productions, a few things maybe want to check out:

compression (available via john i believe)
learning skin (available via  xxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx.xx)
priveleged frames for reference comp (v/vm)
map one comp (subcon)

some of the material explores territory that might be considered
outside the strict confines of what is considered 'idm', but it
definately belongs here too :) 

if you happen to have *no* idea what i'm talking about, his
page is at : http://users.netmatters.co.uk/jowonio_productions/
well worth checking out (writes, performs, etc too)

coming sooner than later: 
sfwd0004 - pre-mil=B7len=B7ni=B7um soundscapes 12"

our future has never been so frightening: