(idm) MMJ/The Fall

From Jason J. Tar
Sent Fri, May 21st 1999, 17:05

Thought I'd mention that Mild Man Jan appears on a track from the new Fall
album (Track: "mao.men-eng.dog" Album: The Marshall Suite)
Wonderful album, btw.  I'd never heard The Fall before (always thought they
simply were another "Manchester" band circa late-80's....like The Smiths,
Happy Mondays, etc.), but after hearing the track on 0161, I thought I'd
pick up something.  Good move, as it is most excellent stuffs.  :)

Also, finally heard a track from the MMJ boxes...most excellent.  Actually
lives up to the hype which surrounded them when it was first announced,
which is a quite rare thing.  Unfortunately, by the time V/Vm gets around
to shipping them out, only our great-great-grandchildren will remain to
enjoy the sounds.  :(  Patience is a virtue only when applied to children.
When it comes to music and adults, I've got none.  

NP--Ile Bizarre by Tetreault, More, Labrosse.

Peace Hugs and Unity                        Jason J. Tar        
                W.        W.        J.        D?
                      (What would Jason Do?)        