(idm) new Mira Calix

From James Skilton
Sent Mon, Jan 19th 1998, 22:16

Hey y'all

just picked up a double 10" promo of a new Mira Calix offering on WARP.
WAP97 contains 4 tracks of generally lo-fi influenced stuff, 2 of which (A
and D) combine Spiritualized-style droning and distorted vocals to uneasy
effect, and the other two add a few funky beats and subtract some of the
drones. B has s scrapy sounding beat which comes in fits and starts, while
C is seriously funky and shows the only real signs of any possible
Autechre/Gescom intervention in this package. Those of you with good
spotter memories will remember that our Mira is a close friend of Autechre
(ahem) and that the last 10" was "assisted by Gescom". Anyway, pretty good
on the strength of the 2 middle tracks, though anyone who recalls my review
of the Broadcast LP will no I don't really have any great appreciation of
the lo-fi sound. No release date or tracklisting info supplied.



Steady J  aka  James Skilton               xxxxxx-x@xxxxxxxxx.xxx
Autechre & SKAM discogs @  http://subnet.virtual-pc.com/~sk393820
"I don' have any idea 'bout what's going on..."