Re: (idm) Check the Emanated comp cd...

From Lance C McGannon
Sent Thu, Oct 8th 1998, 19:55

At 02:50 PM 10/8/98 -0400, you wrote:
>> i hope
>>to get back on a regular recoreview
>>posting schedule sometime next week.
>>that is, unless my reviews are considered
>>worthless and stupid as recent discussions
>>on this list have let me to believe.
>Damn, your reviews are one of the best resources on this list.  
>Yes, they're short, since you do so many, but they're descriptive 
>without being schematic, they evoke some good imagery, and 
>they add a lot of info about good music that would otherwise not 
>be discussed on this list. Maybe I'd like a little more clarification 
your numbered ranking system, because you'll often pan 
>something but then give it a 6/10 or something.  Do you not 
>review the really bad stuff you hear? Would you say 8 and up is 
>"very good", and 9-10 is essential?  But please, keep posting 

Regarding my ranking system, you usually don't 
see me pan releases because i buy most of the
stuff i review. i usually don't buy the bad stuff
so you don't see those reviews. regarding the
value of the numbering system, i may give 
something a 6/10 because it's not all that bad
but i know the artist has done much better, etc;
7/10 is decent to good;  8/10 is very good;
9-10 is essential. anything 5 or below should
be approaced with great caution or avoided

p.o. box 450715
westlake, ohio 44145
united states