(idm) Star Wars Info

From Chester Blaze
Sent Thu, May 6th 1999, 22:22

Sorry for off topic but i think everyone loves starwars - got this from 
Apple eNews.

1. Welcome to Star Wars Central

Admit it. How many times have you watched the QuickTime trailer for
Episode I: The Phantom Menace?

Well, if you download QuickTime 4, you can see a breathtaking new
version of the Star Wars trailer that's an impressive 640 pixels


Wait, there's more. We've assembled an entire galaxy of Star Wars
multimedia that absolutely dazzles, including:

   - The two trailers for the Phantom Menace (both the original
     teaser and the exciting new trailer that over 10 million
     fans have downloaded to date (Available only in QuickTime.)
   - Four, new television commercials (Available only in QuickTime)
   - The first-ever Star Wars music video--"The Duel of the
     Fates"--featuring the music of John Williams (Available only in
     QuickTime 4.)
   - A preview of a new Star Wars simulation game, The Gungan
   - QuickTime audio interviews with fans and members of the
     Phantom Menace crew and cast  (Available only in QuickTime.)

Prepare to be overwhelmed:
