Re: (idm) Why I Think IDM is Groovy [long]

From Michael Upton
Sent Tue, Jun 30th 1998, 00:22

On Mon, 29 Jun 1998, Alex Reynolds wrote:

| Why do you come back?

For me it's a bit of a double edged sword. On the one (ho ho) I love stuff
to be funky, and just "rock". Che can keep quiet here. :-) So I like this
list as a forum for discussing things that I think are all that, but which 
heaps of DJs wouldn't necessarily consider dancefloor stuff. 

On the flipside, there's a lot of electronic music with a bunch of
stylistic similarities to dance music that makes grooviness secondary to
other feelings being expressed. That's important to me, because, well, I
like a wide variety of emotional responses to stuff.

There's still plenty of stuff that's grabbing my attention in both camps. 
Re: any perceived decrease in quality over the past few years - I wonder
if it's being jaded. I find listening to very un-IDM music (programming
free, primarily song based stuff; or gamelan, or whatever) can work like
cleaning the palette when there's _so_much_ product out there now.


OnNow: 'Not for 3s' - Plaid (anyone heard this before? ;-)

"You know what? I'll call him Jet Jaguar..."

Site last updated 15/4/98