Re: (idm) Re: Glass/electronic(a)?

From Kent Williams
Sent Tue, Jul 13th 1999, 01:40

On Mon, 12 Jul 1999, Jeff Gordon wrote:
> Now I've said it before and I'll say it again: Glass
> is great, but the art composer who has some -really-
> interesting electronic works is John Adams.
In my fairly arrogant opinion, Philip Glass has done
nothing but go downhill since, oh, "The Photographer."
As much as I'm in love with minimalism, it seems like
he had about 3 really ace ideas that he'd exhausted fully
by 1980.  Einstein on the Beach is amazing, Satyagraha
is amazing, Glassworks has some of his best short work,
and the rest of his work is retreads of the ideas that
those records demonstrate.

On the other hand, the concert I saw in the earl 80's
of the Philip Glass ensemble was nothing short of amazing.
Of course half of the audience left at intermission, but
those that stayed were treated to some of his most lyrical works
perfectly realized.  When the finished up with the rocket launch
from Einstein on the Beach everyone there had chicken skin.  When
it was done there was complete silence for 5 seconds, and then 
everyone in the place stood up and screamed at once.