(idm) Where it's at...

From lwtcdi
Sent Tue, Jan 6th 1998, 23:28

Thank fuck for Oeivind Idsoe <xxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxx.xx>:

This was one of the most spot on mails on IDM I've seen in a long while.
Thank God somebody knows where it's at!

> Music creates meaning, and meaning in various forms and shapes makes life worth
> living. This doesn't mean it "encapsulates the whole future of mankind", but it
> may, to a certain extent, constitue an important part of *some* human's life. 

Yes, at last someone who has the sense to put the value of the invidual
on a par with the value of a group. A *lot* can be accomplished though
the power of individuals. I haven't been persuaded to buy any of the
releases talked about here for a long while. I don't have faith in the
music that Mego/A-Musik/Skam/Mask/Vvm whatever because no one seems to
have any genuine passion for it. Everyone seems to be saying, "oh, that
sounds a bit like Autechre" or making nice comparisons which is all very
informative but doesn't help me understand what the music might make me
feel like. I want to hear the music, and I want to feel the music. I
want it to connect with me. Most traditional IDM hasn't done this is a
long while, and from the talk on this list I can only gather that it
isn't doing that to anyone else either...
As for music in life, what else do we have these days? What exactly does
"encapsulates the whole future of mankind"? Nothing does, that's what,
so as far as I'm concerned it may as well be music. Music *is* my life,
there's no doubt about that. That doesn't make me a sad bastard, just
that I find it would be a totally different and harsher world without
it. The matters of 'life and death' are so routine these days as to be
non-existant. Music is not routine, it's always different. That's what I
strive for in these times.

> The day it becomes everything, of course, is the day one lives and dies by music, and
> that's probably not a good thing. But I've always thought that people with a
> healthy amount of obsessive interest for something, be it music, film, art,
> soccer, are the most interesting ones to talk to and get to know better; they have
> strong opinions and often original views,

Yes, this is true for me also. I like to be informed about my music, but
information is not the be all and end all of music. That would be to
take something you love down to a level which is too clinical, too
studied. Maybe some people get debate elsewhere, not from this list, but
that doesn't mean that it should be sacrificed to make the list suit
them. A list is a forum, and as such will never suit everyone. The
sooner people get used to this and stop trying to "have it their way",
the better. The only way you can affect the list is through contributing
to it, it's as simple as that...

> and can often make an otherwise boring
> and 'polite' conversation turn into a spectactle of heated arguments.

It would seem from the general whining on this list (not heated
arguament - which is often far far more interesting - yes even that Gil
post which was great!) that most people want boring and 'polite'
conversation filled with info not debate. Who ever said debate was
'off-topic', 'cos that's the way it seems to be right now. What's wrong
with an equal balance? Info and debate are both part of the same thing.
If you got rid of all the ranting there would be less information and
less postings altogether making somewhere very very dull which wouldn't
reflect what I feel when I listen to a peice of music I love.

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