Re: (idm) Wells....

From johnb
Sent Wed, Apr 22nd 1998, 14:37

> It's funny how folks can concentrate on stereotypes and negative social
> whilst having no idea (perhaps) that Hickism and country/rural/provincial
> ignorance is a universal thing that can be seen in the US,
> UK, Germany, France, Australia, etc etc etc .
> Somewhere deep in the jungles of the Southern Appalachians, a kid is
> back with way more equipment than anyone on IDM making *amazing*
> music.

As part of my friend's venture into owning a record label (Elsie & Jack --
plug intended), we've been sifting through material sent to us in the past
few months.  The depth of quality and the range of locales has really
surprised me; in fact, some of the best recordings I've heard so far has
been from a guy who lives in Alabama.  It's not exactly dance music --
closer to noise or experimental electronics -- but it's incredibly good.  I
wish I could remember his name off-hand; he may even be on this list for
all I know.
