(idm) Re: (IDM) CD Burnings

From thomas m weibrecht
Sent Fri, Oct 31st 1997, 19:59

On Fri, 31 Oct 1997 11:40:10 -0800 "Chris.Hilker" <xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>
>>heh... when do you ever have the right to steal? seriously, though, 
>>it's in print, go buy it. out of print? how else can i hear if not 
>>through a boot or something?
>What makes you think you have an innate right to hear a given 
>You're just rationalizing an illegal and unethical practice.
>("I want that new Mercedes, but it's too expensive. How else can I own 
>if I don't steal it?")

but if i buy it, dont i have the right to copy it?

tom w

np: scarab - s/t