Re: (idm) Bola: "Soup"

From artist
Sent Thu, Feb 4th 1999, 22:02

On Fri, 29 Jan 1999 16:53:50 +0200, you wrote:

>  Fine, fine. I get it. Does not tickle my funnybone, but a nice
>language trick anyway. No wonder I did not get it, since I tend to
>pronounce english very carefully and with a british accent. But does
>anyone know if the pun is intentional?

course.  and that's why the 7" single is called 'ks'

now playing - the average bueraucrat - jowonio productions
(which is definitely not 'ks' - it's just getting better and better

autechre last night weren't very good - clippity-clop beats, one note
bass, and plugin-patching unextraodinaire - mostly transparent and
insubstantial - about enough good material in their (very long) set
for a 2 minute track..  toolshed murdered them in my humble opinion..
and hang that blessed dj!

motto for today - music is not mathematics!
