Re: [AH] No traffic?

From A.
Sent Tue, Nov 19th 2019, 17:11

Last message directed at nobody in particular i may add. Just a brain =

> On 19 Nov 2019, at 18:43, Me <> wrote:
> Just don't go on about personal stuff when i want to read about =
synthesizers. I'm mainly a passive participant in these fora, but here i =
draw the line and choose to have my say. Why discourage people like me =
from joining in with the discourse when we may one day have something =
worthwhile to contribute? I like technical things which is why i like =
synthesizers. Please can we stick to the chips, electrons and art, not =
the feels and ideologies.
> And i'll just say this here and now: art is not inherently political. =
No tricky word salad with social studies dressing will ever change that.
> The great beauty of the internet is that it allows for a tabula rasa, =
nobody need know anything about you that you do not wish to divulge, and =
you can be valued within a social milieu purely for your input and =
conduct. Jokes are such a vital part of human bonding that if one cannot =
make a joke because it harms somebody's sense of their =
self-identification as a necessary part of their being, then you cannot =
have an honest social interaction, as people must police themselves so =
as to avoid upsetting others. If someone makes a joke you don't like, =
think him an ass, but let him be one. Isn't that what all these people =
are asking anyway, to be allowed to choose their identity, and left =
alone for doing so. Quid pro quo, no? Let me be the ass that i am, and =
you go ahead and be whatever you want. Isn't that wonderful?
>> On 19 Nov 2019, at 16:20, Royce Lee <> wrote:
>> HI all,
>> Great seeing you Alex at the show! It was a shared experience. It =
reminded me of old footage of the early Kraftwerk concerts.
>> The link between synthesis and politics has always been strong. We =
all have our own reasons, and many of them have a political slant. I =
always thought that act of re-purposing "obsolete" synthesizer =
technology that characterized the first two decades of AH was by =
definition political. In a way that I think was very meaningful. Today, =
that layer of meaning is not as present, with the second golden age of =
analogue we are living in, and it is now more purely about sound and the =
instruments: which is fine and in fact spares us the many hours of =
internet diving that the pursuit used to require.  I do think by =
focusing on synthesis itself and not forcing consensus, AH has mostly =
allowed people to hang on to their motivations without getting scared =
>> On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 10:04 AM Scott Fox <> =
>> But you can recognize that making jokes about what you identify as is =
pretty insulting to people with actually identity issues. Being =
inclusive isn't about talking about people genders or identities, it's =
about maintaining a space that isn't insulting. This thread alone has =
seen multiple jokes about identity. Most people have a pretty thick skin =
and can shrug it off pretty easily (people often have to in this world) =
but I know for a fact that this casual behavior is specifically =
>> Anyhow, I'm tapping out to read up on the new Quantum update coming =
out soon!
>> Scott=20
>> On Tue., Nov. 19, 2019, 8:52 a.m. negativesaucer, =
<> wrote:
>> I'm going to briefly state my perspective on this and be done with =
>> When someone subs to /r/synthesizers they are there for what's =
>> on the tin.  It's not about trans people or women, or men, or
>> anything, it's about synthesizers.  When I say I don't care about
>> gender identities or sexual orientations, that is to mean you can be
>> whatever you want and I'm not going to hassle you over it, because
>> it's none of my business.  The insinuation that trans etc people =
>> feel a part of a community unless they poll the community for people
>> that share their gender identity or sexuality seems a bit backwards =
>> me.
>> IMO, if it's not about synthesizers it doesn't have a place in a
>> community dedicated to synthesizers.  I apologize for even mentioning
>> it as I've essentially introduced this same thing here.
>> On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 9:47 AM Lorne Hammond <xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xx> =
>>> I agree with Justin but for example, the trans couple I worked with =
on telling their story just want to be who they are now today. Its about =
being comfortable and going forward.
>>> Wendy Carlos just wants to talk music, not identity. Talking synth =
hear, including bad puns and strong opinions has always been what has =
given this list its longevity.
>>> what's a list-serv grampa?
>>> Lorne
>>> From: Justin Maxwell <>
>>> Sent: November-18-19 10:39 PM
>>> To: Van Santos <>
>>> Cc: negativesaucer <>; Collin Crowe =
<>; eon <xxx@xx.xx>; Analogue Heaven =
<>; Alex Sullivan <>; chris =
>>> Subject: Re: [AH] No traffic?
>>> and so are the people
>>> as an ex-AH asshole (AHsshole?) the thing about being an asshole is =
that you don't have to be. you can fucking just move along. whether or =
not it's muffs or reddit or wherever, there are always a bunch of good =
ol boys white males who think that the world is too sensitive for them =
and their jokes and that other people are the problem. meanwhile there =
are people just figuring themselves out in the world and trying to find =
places to connect online
>>>> gender identity and sexuality is irrelevant to synth discussion =
>>> except that it's not, gender identity and sexuality has been bound =
to art for millennia, and we happen to be fans of machines designed to =
create art, among other things. on the machine level, we talk about =
tones in terms of passion, people use the word "sexy" to describe =
industrial design. there's a lot of masculinity and femininity in the =
music and the audience. and we'd be naive to pretend the music many of =
us on here love didn't get its roots in gay communities.
>>> there are a lot of people figuring out themselves in the world right =
now because society is providing a safe(r) space for it and the people =
who make it harder for them online are the real assholes.
>>> i say this just to remind folks that there are a lot of lurkers on =
AH and i want them to feel welcome too.
>>> On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 8:37 PM Van Santos <> =
>>> I saw that recently when a woman asked about other women who =
frequent the sub.... The comments were a nightmare.
>>> On Mon, Nov 18, 2019, 10:34 PM negativesaucer =
<> wrote:
>>> meanwhile the Reddit synthesizers sub is more interested in gender =
identity  politics than synthesizers
>>> On Mon, Nov 18, 2019, 6:34 PM Collin Crowe =
<> wrote:
>>> It works! Keep it goin
>>> On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 4:42 AM eon <xxx@xx.xx> wrote:
>>>> That said - as a UK bod - in the 90=E2=80=99s I=E2=80=99d look =
forward to browsing
>>>> through a bunch of email from the US when I got up - nothing like
>>>> reading a flame war over 101 mod grips with your morning coffee!  =
>>>> times! It=E2=80=99s a lot quieter now - but there have been some =
>>>> threads this year!
>>> Nothing like old school, mannerly flame war, yes!
>>> Speaking of which. "I know it's not abalogue, but..." I just got me =
>>> first hardware sampler in my life at the age of 40. It's the =
original SP
>>> 1200 with SD drive and I'm loving it, sampling the AKS.
>>> Any hints?
>>> Cheers
>>> Maciek