Re: (idm) discography HTMLizer?

From Aran M. Parillo
Sent Thu, Jun 18th 1998, 17:19

On Wed, 17 Jun 1998, Lazlo Nibble wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 17, 1998 at 05:26:02AM -0500, Andrew Hime wrote:
> > Anybody know out there of a program that takes a discography, and
> > translates it into a nice looking webpage?
> Depends on what format the data is in, doesn't it?

Right, if you have it in a word doc you can have Bill Gates internet
assistant put it into HTML for you.  If the disco is in cuneiform however,
you'll have to rekey it for sure.

On an unrelated note:  

I'm going away on vacation Saturday June 20th thru Saturday June 27th.
Driving out to Detroit where I won't just be playing a Godfather on TV,
I'll be becoming one in real life.  Later in the week, as mentioned, I'm
continuing up to Toronto to catch some of the Jazz Festival including Jack 
DeJohnette's "Oneness".

So, please don't blow anything up while I'm away.  Any administrative
issues which turn up while I'm away will be handled upon my return.

Play hard, play fair and nobody gets hurt.
