(idm) Re: Night Flight & A.O.N.

From BennyBlanco
Sent Fri, Jun 26th 1998, 20:43

On Fri, 26 Jun 1998, mallen wrote:

> ... i can also remeber buying Who's afraid of the art of noise (i had
> heard close to the edit on a weird late night TV show here in the states
> called night flite or some such ... first place i heard cabaret voltaire

i think i remember seeing the "close to the edit" vid on the night flight 
show as well. what a wacked out show. pretty cool alternative
programming at the time. saw Residents stuff on there too as well as f'd
up independent film. i wish there was some similar programming like it

a small yarn:
I was home alone and my parents had gone out. came home and i was watching
night flight. well, there was a pretty sick video on. can't remember who
it was, but the folks walk into the living room right where i was watching
and there is a mock surgical procedure goin on this stage. the doctor
pulls some flesh out of this dude's head (a labotomy perhaps) and throws
the meat over to this dog sitting across the way and eats the goodies. My
parents see this happening and start yelling at me to "turn this shit
off!". i was pretty much banned from watching music videos when i was
growing up because all music video must be like this. timing..... 

other cool shows:
Sandra Bernhard has a pretty cool show called WildWildCinema that use to
air on Monday on I think USA network which is all the network that aired
Night Flight. wacked out b-movie stuff. 

So i believe it was this program, Night Flight, that introduced me to the
Art Of Noise in retrospect. 

benny blanco         /\                blancodisco:        
gamefx, inc.           /\  /\       http://www.fcl-us.net/~benny/index.html