(idm) Late Edition

From Alex Reynolds
Sent Thu, Jun 25th 1998, 18:19

Albequerque, New Mexico, June 25 (Reuterz)

The groundbreaking first annual `Ms. IDM' beauty pageant [wet T-shirt
contest --Ed.] was held yesterday in a seedy nightclub on the outskirts of
Albequerque, NM, amid much controversy and fanfare. A pool of female IDM
music fans was invited beforehand to "strut their stuff" for the mostly
male constituency. Late in the contest, award-winning ambient musician and
drag queen Erde "Six-Pack" Maemnitz stormed the contestants' platform and
took hold of the microphone, delivering a brief lecture on postmodern
gender-relations before a mixed crowd of participants, judges, and pissed

The event, held in honor of recurring themes discussed on the
Internet-based IDM mailing list -- themes that just won't fucking curl up
and die -- was organized by resident patriarch Rod "All-American" A.

"I was also considering a `CD-Burn In'," added Lester, "where vinylophiles
can get together as one and set a bunch of compact discs on fire in the
name of analogue superiority. Holding a pageant somewhere in Albequerque
sounded a little sexier."

"And when Richard `Aphex Twin' James agreed to both judge and DJ the
pageant, well, my decision was pretty much made for me at that point,"
Lester told reporters at a scheduled conference with leaders from several
women's rights organizations attending. "After [NOW President] Patricia
Ireland gave her blessing to the event, that sealed the deal."

In a telephone interview, Patricia Ireland confirmed that Lester had
requested her opinion beforehand. "Since 1942, when American women were
finally allowed to join the miltary and kill other human beings, women's
rights have improved dramatically. With the establishment of the IDM list
in 1991, women were permitted membership, but were only allowed lurking
privileges. In '93, after Hyperreal was placed under control of a more
liberal leadership, women were permitted to post one-sentence, non-FAQ
queries. In the atmosphere of inclusion which dominates IDM today, women
are now allowed to post actual responses to questions!"

"We'll remininesce one day, noting that the wet T-shirt pageant would turn
out to be a large step forward for women on the IDM list. We look forward
to working with IDM moderators in the future, with the hope that, one day,
we will eventually win suffrage for the women of IDM, for their right to
vote in the annual `Best of IDM' poll."

Ireland concluded, "These are exciting times, indeed."

The contest proceeded without much distraction for the first three hours.
The participants were asked several harmless questions by the judges,
including, "How would you make the world a better place?" and "Where do you
see the role of women in IDM?" while `Twin' James played some phat remixes
of his classic `Come On You Slags' in the background.

"I see an IDM woman's place by her DJ's side, cooking him breakfast,
picking up after him, gently scrubbing his rare Skam collection in
acetone," answered one contestant, who declined to be named in this report.

Without warning, Erde Maemnitz took the stage in a classy Chanel number
with red pumps, on which several women IDMers commented positively. James'
decks scratched to a halt.

Grabbing the mike, Maemnitz offered a different perspective on what was
going on:

"The absence of nonessentialist transgenderism in the IDM elite betrays a
domination of the genre by male producers and the conventional heterosexism
and gender biases of the electronic music industry. Consumption of IDM
product disengages the viewer/listener in an awareness of processes of
social contextualization. The paradigm of female resynthesis into the IDM
list must be introduced along with the under-aestheticization of the female

Unfazed by the overabundance of dumb stares from the crowd, Maemnitz continued:

"Of course, the metholodological framework of this commentary will be
reflected in my next release, `Disco Goddess', which is a  discourse on the
retro-style, patriarchic desires of the heterosexist mass culture. $13.99
at Best Buy. 64-page liner notes. Consume 'em while they're hot!" Maemnitz
winked, returned the mike to its stand and walked away.

Lester refused to comment on whether "Six-Pack" Maemnitz would be added to
the nude 1999 calendar "Women of IDM", with feature appearances by select
pageant contestants.

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Alex Reynolds                                 Distributed Support Specialist
Department of Biology                       School of Arts & Sciences Computing
University of Pennsylvania                                Philadelphia, PA
email:xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xxx                                 phone:215.573.2818
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                  "The future belongs to crowds." -- _Mao II_, Don DeLillo