(idm) OST/Rook Villiard

From multsanta
Sent Fri, Feb 13th 1998, 01:12

Solenoid <xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx> writes:

>I am organizing a show that O.S.T.(Chris Douglas) (aka Rook Valade) is

ok, i've been trying to find some more stuff by this OST guy...
all i have is the Disco Moonlight track and the emit ecaps remix, and
it's all good...
but i know there's more.  There's the Rook Villard release on plug
research.  and i read a review of an OST disc on some really obscure
label at the Urban Sounds site.  i read in urb (i think) about a slab he
released that plays from the inside out, and the contribution to the
Diskono compilation.  arrgh anyone have a discography.
why can i not find any of this material?!???!

and pointers??

>>erantmundas gaptena<<
<TRANSMUNDADVERT>['gh lox' (tm7001-25)outnow] </TRANSMUNDADVERT>

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